Amplify BC Receives $22.5M Boost

People and companies in B.C.’s music industry can plan for the future with $22.5 million dedicated to the sector over the next three years through Amplify BC.

“I know what the music industry has gone through this past year because I’ve been working closely with musicians, producers and businesses,” said Bob D’Eith, Parliamentary Secretary for Arts and Film. “People told us they needed stability and we listened. For the first time, government is committing three years of funding for Amplify BC. This is huge for the music industry. It says, 'we hear you, we value you and we’re here for you.' I’m excited to work together to chart a path to recovery.”

Administered by Creative BC, Amplify BC offers four programs:

  • Live Music supports the operations, development and adaptation of venues, festivals and concert presenters in B.C.

  • Music Company Development supports the operations, development and adaption of music companies in B.C.

  • Music Industry Initiatives support the development of B.C.’s music industry, funding projects that support training, skills development, export activities, business development, research and up-and-coming talent.

  • Career Development supports the careers of emerging and established artists in B.C., funding sound recordings, music videos and marketing initiatives.

“Over the last year musicians have comforted us and inspired us. Now they need our support to come back stronger than ever," said Melanie Mark, Minister of Tourism, Arts, Culture and Sport. “We heard the call to action from the music sector, and I know that by continuing to work together we will support our talented artists, sustain our vital music businesses and continue making our mark in the music industry.”

This funding is part of B.C.’s $10-billion COVID-19 response, which includes StrongerBC: BC's Economic Recovery Plan to protect people’s health and livelihoods while supporting businesses and communities.

Amplify BC is the Province’s music fund and is delivered by Creative BC.

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