Email Your MLA Candidates for Arts and Culture


Arts and culture have great potential in paving a brighter, more equitable future for BC — but only if they have the support they need.

Lend your voice and reach out to the candidates of the major provincial parties expressing your support for arts and culture. We've created this quick and easy email tool, complete with a sample letter detailing the requests the BC Alliance has made on behalf of BC's arts service organizations. 

We have provided a sample letter, but we strongly encourage you to customize your message. Personal stories about the value of arts and culture can be highly impactful in advocating for the arts.

We're hoping to send a hundred letters by next Thursday, October 22. Join us! Click here to participate.

And don't forget: you can visit for everything you need to make an informed decision and be an advocate for arts and culture this provincial election, including our Voting & Advocacy Toolkit, the major parties' positions on the arts, and over 50 all candidates meetings to peruse.

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