What's New in BC's Restart Step 3

On July 1, the province will move to Step 3 of BC’s Restart, a four-stage BC reopening plan, with the goal of lifting virtually all restrictions for September. You can find more information here.

In this round-up, we’ve tried to include the information that we hope will be most value to those in the arts, culture, heritage and non-profit sectors, with the understanding that more information will doubtless emerge, and that all dates are subject to the increase of vaccinations, and steady decline of COVID-19, in our communities.

Beginning July 1:

  • Masks are recommended in public indoor settings for all people 12 and older who are not yet fully vaccinated. The mask mandate order under the Emergency Program Act will be lifted July 1 and no proof of vaccination will be needed;

  • Indoor organized gatherings allow 50 people or 50% capacity, whichever is greater;

  • Outdoor organized gatherings allow 5,000 people or 50% capacity, whichever is greater;

  • Fairs, festivals and trade shows return to normal with a Communicable Disease Plan;

  • Canada-wide recreational travel is allowed;

  • Events are allowed at pubs, bars and restaurants.

The province hopes to have “normal social contact” established by September 7.

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