BC WIL Releases Employer Survey Results

The BC Work-Integrated Learning Council has just released the results to the BC Work-Integrated Learning (WIL) Employer and Community Partner Survey. Over 800 employers and community partners responded to the survey on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on their WIL student hiring/engaging. The research compares results from the first survey conducted Fall 2020 with the second survey conducted  Spring 2021 including  information gleaned from focus groups held in Spring 2021.

The results provide industry-specific insight on the post-pandemic WIL hiring outlook for students, employers, and work-integrated learning practitioners across BC and Canada, along with data on in-person, hybrid and remote work environments, and the top challenges and resources impacting WIL student hiring.

These survey findings allow for a better understanding of evolving stakeholder needs, and will inform WIL hiring and programming decisions over the next few  years. You can find the results here, including summaries and infographics.

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