Scaling the Digital Ladder: DreamRider Productions

Esmeralda and Goober join young Apprentice Planet Protectors in The Planet Protector Academy: H2Whoa. | Image: Video still; Nathan Frost, DOP.

Esmeralda and Goober join young Apprentice Planet Protectors in The Planet Protector Academy: H2Whoa. | Image: Video still; Nathan Frost, DOP.

How can Digital Ladders benefit your arts and culture organization? Vanessa LeBourdais, executive producer and creative director of DreamRider Productions, explains how DreamRider went from teeny unknown local theatre to international digital success with the help of a digital literacy program:

From Sue’s programs, I learned from cutting edge industry experts, from their successes and their failures. What I learned there helped me take my fun and interactive, silly and empowering live shows for kids and turn them into fun and interactive, silly and empowering digital programs capable of reaching far beyond the limits of our live touring capacity. It’s been an incredible journey of creative experimentation, joy, and excitement.

Click here for more on how Vanessa took her organization to the next level with digital literacy — and how you can, too!

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