What's New in the New BC Gaming Guidelines

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The Province of British Columbia has released the 2020 Program Guidelines for Community Gaming Grants, which you can find here. With the updated guidelines come some changes in the way applications are evaluated.

Applications will now be assessed based on program activities from the last 12 months.

Additionally, there are now three criteria for assessment: Community BenefitAccessibility & Inclusivity, and Community Support. The community-centric aspects of the application will require specific emphasis on why the program is needed in the community it serves.

Under the Accessibility & Inclusivity criterion, applicants will be asked to demonstrate accessibility and inclusivity for people regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, sex, age, ability, race, ethnicity, culture, religion, language, education, income or geography.

Applications will also need to provide information about how the program provides accessibility support for individuals or groups who face additional barriers to participation.

These are only some of the changes implemented in the new guidelines. Don't hesitate to email CommunityGamingGrants@gov.bc.ca for more information, or check online here.

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